Friday 14 March 2014

"everyday" (part 10)

and more first times...

5. -11. March

5.3. ate some home-made avocado and lime cake - seems I have found a use for avocados at last
6.3. lost my diamond necklace while swimming :-(
7.3. seen the ferret we once named "Großwurst" in his new enclosure at Fasanerie in Wiesbaden (years ago we saw one, medium sized, and spontaneously called him "Salami"...then a small one showed up and following the logic I named him "Bifi"...well the third one was bigger so my husband with his German skills decided on "Großwurst")
8.3. sniffed an almond tree in bloom to see what I missed by not travelling to Mallorca this spring
9.3. had pre-birth couple photo shoot in the most glorious weather possible
10.3. seen "Grand Hotel Budapest" in a cute and oldfashioned independent cinema in Mainz
11.3. went to Speyer by train and visited the current Playmobil exhibition there

1 comment:

  1. Ui, Playmobil in Speyer? Da wohnt meine Schwester... wäre ja mal ne Reise wert, wenns nicht so lang zu fahren wäre. :o(
